Current Issue: No. 2: Special Issue 2 - August 2024 - Living donor transplants
Full Issue
Liver transplantation
State of the art of living donor lung transplantation
Uterus transplantation: current status in 2024
Investigating the occurrence of persistent ascites after liver transplantation and its relationship with Graft rejection
The robotic living donor kidney donation: technical aspects and results
Small for size syndrome in adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation: a review of the latest literature
Life-threatening Everolimus-Associated Erosive-Hemorrhagic Gastropathy in a liver transplant patient
Liver Transplantation from Sars-CoV-2 infected donor is still a contraindication? A case report of a successful liver transplantation from a Sars-CoV-2 infection deceased donor to vaccinated recipient and review of the literature